305 Griffin Road West, Cochrane, AB T4C 2C4
Use this tool to assist you in calculating the approximate volume of mulch you will need to cover your measured beds at your specified depth. Please note that this calculator will round up to the nearest yard. All submitted request will be replied to as soon as possible. You can also give us a call to speak to us directly regarding your volume or product.
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Spray Lake Sawmills created it's Top Spray division in 1996 as their commitment to 100% wood fiber utilization. Our mulch, soil blend and animal bedding products are derived from the sawmills' lumber production and only contain wood residuals from our timber harvest. Mulch Products Top Spray is one of Alberta's largest mulch producers, with eight mulch varieties and three soil blends. We [...]
Top Spray's Rocky Mountain Mulch® is a combination of pine and spruce white wood and bark residuals from our sawmill operations in Cochrane Alberta. This mulch is a 4 inch and smaller, wood piece size and contains more white wood than bark. Due to the bigger size of the whitewood, the bark will break down sooner. Our production process for Rocky is similar to Foothills. The hog (mulch) is [...]
Selecting the right location for your plants: It’s a fact of life in the Bow Valley and we have to be up to the challenge. If you can be a successful gardener in the Bow Valley, you can probably garden anywhere. I have gardened in Cougar Ridge in Calgary, and in Heartland in Cochrane and my biggest takeaway is this … exposure is everything. Whatever we can do to minimize exposure in our yards,[...]
Written by Joan Cosway-Hayes - 2017 Cochrane's Best Yard Contest Winner Mulch is a layer of material applied on top of the soil layer. In this post we are referring to bark mulch, but other natural materials can also be used as mulch. It has been said that mulch "covers a multitude of ills" and can make any yard look good. More important than aesthetic appeal is the fact that mulch [...]
Written by Mark Kelly - one of our runner up winners from 2017 Cochrane's Best Yard Contest Replace or amend some of the clay soil with Top Spray's NutriLoam or NutriOM. Carefully work the new mixture in your beds. Loosen root system on new plants and trees to promote root growth. Starter fertilizer makes a difference and fertilizing the garden every 2-3 weeks will provide[...]
Written by Joan Cosway-Hayes - 2017 Cochrane's Best Yard Contest Winner A perennial plant is one that is dormant in winter and comes back a little bigger and a little stronger every spring. An annual plant thrives in the summer and fall but dies off with the cold weather. Annuals have to be replanted every year (ie petunias etc). Choosing the right plant for the right location is the [...]
And the winners are....Audrey and Darryl Butchko - First Prize Winners ($750)Debra Addinall - Second Prize winner of $500Jacques and Antoinette Dansereau - Third Prize Winner of $250 Gift Certificate at Anything Grows2017 Garden Winners were: Joan Cosway-Hayes and William Hayes John and Roxanne Lyons Karen Packer and Mark Kelly Jeff Ziegler and Guidel Ziegler
Top Spray manufactures a variety of mulches and soil blends, with Foothills Premium Mulch being our top-seller. The designer series mulch is coloured in-house and we also bring in Douglas Fir Nuggets to add to our selection. To see the Edmonton Depot list of product, CLICK HERE! Foothills Premium Mulch® Size: 3 inch and smaller Rocky Mountain Mulch® Size: 4 inch and smallerParkland [...]